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Take Care of Your Fish

Many people buy fish without learning how to properly care for them. Some common mistakes include putting goldfish and bettas in bowls, adding fish before cycling your tank, and placing incompatible fish together. These steps will make caring for your fish easy and enjoyable.


  1. Research different kinds of fish and decide which ones interest you. Be sure to find out what they need to live, such as tank size, food, and compatible species
  2. Buy the food, the tank, the filter, substrate, lighting, a heater, and a test kit to measure ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and pH. You also need water conditioner to remove chlorine and chloramine.
  3. Set it all up and fill it with water. Then, turn on all equipment and check that they're all working.
  4. Cycle the tank.
  5. After the tank is cycled, you can add fish slowly (only 1 or two at a time). Learn about proper acclimation methods before adding fish- don't just float the bag for 10 minutes!
  6. Feed your fish the proper food in small amounts, twice a day.
  7. Do a partial (25-30%) water change once or twice a week. Be sure to vacuum the substrate. Don't replace the filter media if it looks dirty, just rinse it gently in used tank water so as not to kill off the beneficial bacteria that lives in your filter.
  8. Have fun loving your new fishy family!


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