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Be a Good Comedian

Ever want to be a socially attractive and funny person? Do you maybe even want to be a comedian? Well, this article is all about how you can be a funny, likable person that others enjoy having around. You could even go so far as getting on stage and making a crowd laugh.

  1. Know good social skills: If you don't get out much, please do. Learn what is acceptable and what is not acceptable in certain situations. Learn good manners. Keep your personal hygiene up and clean, if you're a dirty slob, that could be like putting on people repellent (Unless, of course, you want to be around dirty people). It's good to know how to be around people, accept all kinds of people, and probably keep your views universal (That doesn't mean stop believing whatever you believe in).
  2. Social, social, social: Be around people! Learn to be comfortable around people. This may be hard for some, but you can do it. It may take time, or, no time at all depending on where you're at (social skill wise). Don't start trying to crack the jokes out yet, especially if you can't tell funny jokes. It could turn people off. Try giving speeches, being the center of attention, or maybe doing some kind of performance (formal or informal) of some sort. That doesn't mean go and be a class clown that annoys people! Take the spotlight in the right place, at the right time, and not for too long. 3-5 minutes tops, maybe. Just as long as an elevator speech. The more times you get in the "spotlight" the more comfortable you will become in the "spotlight". Remember relevancy and timing. Make sure you do it in the right setting at the right time (If you are not supposed to be the center of attention, DON'T TRY TO CONSTANTLY BE IN THE SPOTLIGHT).
  3. Study jokes: Now that you're comfy in social settings, you should probably start learning your jokes. Buy joke books, listen to comedians, listen to what's going on on the news, find things that make you laugh. Find jokes that fit you, and, if you want to appeal, find jokes that fit a broad spectrum of people and know what's going on in the social group you're involved in. Know your jokes! Find out what it is exactly that makes them funny. Study good jokes and bad jokes, (that doesn't mean clean jokes and dirty jokes!) Try to find out why some jokes are more powerful than others. I'll explain more about jokes in the tips section and how I find out how jokes can be funny or not. Don't start trying to make your own jokes yet! Test the jokes you study, which is explained in the next step.
  4. Try your jokes out: Keep the jokes relevant, and try not to offend or put off people. Don't be annoying and try to hog the spotlight all the time, or shout out above others. If someone else cracks a joke and you don't find it funny, DON'T FAKE LAUGH, it's annoying, especially if your fake laugh is loud and/or annoying. Remember good timing and your social skills. Don't take a joke too far, or at least not too fast. Be optimistic. Have a good, attractive attitude. Your joke has to sound like a joke. I've seen lots of people try to crack a joke, but they didn't give the joke the right sound and mood and people instead took those people seriously. Attitude makes a difference! Don't get down, keep your head up and keep smiling. Become one of the few "enlightened ones" that so many have talked about.
  5. Try making your own jokes: This step may come naturally to you. It does for me. Remember how your other jokes work, and keep things simple. If you you go too complex, you'll only throw people off make them think, "This guy is a DOOFUS! What the *bleep* is he talking about?!". If you've ever been around someone who tells bad jokes, you'll know what I mean. Keep your jokes relevant to a certain topic. They can be improvised or premeditated. *#*(Warning: Improvised jokes can be really hard to pull off and requires spider-man like tongue reflexes (otherwise known as "wits" or "smart mouth") and can be addictive, therefore tempting you to try too much to be funny without thinking. You could get more and more annoying, and eventually your friends will make a "*your name* stick" and beat you with it each time you say something stupid (Do I know from experience? The answer is: I'm not going to tell you cause' I want to look professional). Don't be stupid!)*#*
  6. Take it in a direction: Use your newly acquired skills for good, evil, love, war, use them casually or make a profession out of it, or just plain do whatever you want with it. You can even revise jokes and work on them for a while. It's your choice!
  7. Comedian dont say any ROMAS


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